
40 Expert Definitions you need to know before you learn modern management



 # TermDefinition
1Organizational flexibilityThe organization can respond to various environmental changes and developments, whether internal or external. It includes the appropriate response to a prevailing situation or circumstance.
2The strategic managerThe strategic manager is every person who oversees the strategic management of the organization through making strategic decisions, formulating the strategy, implementing it, and following it up, and is responsible for the outcomes of the organization.
3Strategic managementIt is the process of drawing the future direction of the organization and choosing the appropriate pattern and behavior in the long term in the light of environmental factors and variables. Strategic management is concerned with the basic and important decisions for the organization that affects its position and its relationship with the elements of its environment.
4Innovative thinkingIt refers to the individual’s ability to create something new by mixing existing elements in a creative way that leads in the end to a new intellectual value. Innovative thinking is characterized by the following characteristics: Intellectual fluency, spontaneous flexibility, the ability to the remote association, and the ability to renew.
5Strategic thinkingRefers to those mental and intellectual abilities and skills necessary for the individual to carry out strategic actions and practice the tasks of strategic management, from the process of defining the mission, goals, and objectives of the organization, formulating the strategy, implementing it, and monitoring the implementation process. Among the characteristics of strategic thinking are the following: insight, environmental sensing, ability to analyze and interpret data and information, strategic choice skill, social response, comprehensive and complete knowledge of the various aspects of the organization, its environment, and activity requirements, in addition to excellence in broad scientific and applied knowledge, and having the advantages of innovative thinking.
6Management dashboardRepresents a set of performance indicators that measure the performance of the organization and the extent to which it achieves its objectives to help the manager to follow up and monitor the progress of achievement and to follow up the actual implementation of the strategic plans, and then provides a tool that enables the manager to intervene on time to correct errors and modify and develop plans. A set of indicators that are selected by a group of managers and which express the efficiency of management, as it enables to detect of the errors and deviations when they occur and then correct them promptly.
7Intellectual capital managementThe emergence of this concept is associated with the increase in the importance of knowledge in the completion of activities and its widespread, so organizations are looking at knowledge products that are the product of mental and intellectual capabilities as an important resource for their activities. It expresses that knowledge can be converted into profits and that comes from the mental and intellectual capabilities of the human resource. As for intellectual capital management, it refers to those activities and efforts that are concerned with how to provide, maintain, develop and make the best use of those capabilities in a way that supports the competitive position of the organization, ensures its survival, and maximizes its profits.
8Excellence managementExcellence management includes various procedures and methods that enable the organization to embrace competition, raise its performance, and maintain customer loyalty, through continuous development and improvement of its mechanisms, policies, work and production methods along with the development of competencies and skills, encouragement of innovation, and communication in addition to the development of the relationship with the surrounding environment. Those activities make the organization distinct and superior in its performance over the rest of the competitors.
9CompetitivenessThe competitiveness of the organization is determined by its ability to face environmental threats and challenges. Competitiveness has two main dimensions. The first is determined by the competencies and resources owned by the organization, which from its competitive capabilities, and the second is related to its position in the market, which is determined through the way of acting and dealing with the components and parties of the market, where this dimension determines the extent of its distinction and uniqueness from the rest of the competitors.
10Competitive capabilitiesCompetitiveness represents the various factors and internal capabilities of the organization that enable it to compete better and achieve an appropriate competitive position. Concerning technology, no matter how different the methods of owning and developing competitive capabilities, the primary source for it remains the resources with their movement and relative scarcity, and the ability to make optimal use of them.
11Competitive advantageIt reflects the organization’s appearance in the market, and it represents the distinction and uniqueness of the organization from the rest of its competitors in one of the areas of competition such as quality, cost, flexibility, or speed of delivery, and the competitive advantage is achieved through the optimal and distinct exploitation of the competitive capabilities of the organization.
12Total Quality ManagementIt is efforts and activities that aim to comprehensively improve all operations, activities, and functions of the organization, focusing on meeting the needs and requirements of the customer. It is a management philosophy aimed at permanent and comprehensive improvement and development of all operations and parts of the organization to achieve conformity with the desires and needs of the client, as it includes the individual, the job, and the organization as a whole with its various parts.
13ISO certificatesISO is a global certificate that contains a set of international specifications and standards for processes and systems. Organizations implement change and improvement to obtain that certificate, while the total quality is studying the customer’s desires to create change and comprehensive and continuous development based on customer satisfaction.
14Knowledge managementKnowledge management can be considered as the various organized and planned activities directed to obtaining knowledge through production or its acquisition from external sources and then benefiting from it. Making the most of cognitive abilities and skills to produce knowledge, then use it in production processes.
15organizational knowledgeIt is represented in all forms of knowledge that the organization deals with and that results from the interaction of its elements in conducting the work assigned to them and in their dealings with the elements of the surrounding environment of the organization.
16Organizational learningContinuing to be active and interacting with the environment, including the factors and variables it contains, make individuals, regardless of their culture or background, learn from the events they are going through, considering that the organization is a social entity whose elements interact internally as they interact with the elements of the external environment affected by and influence. Through events and cases that may or may not be repeated, the organization can benefit from those experiences and events it is going through information systems that can store information and knowledge, and can also benefit from its human elements that can learn, since it can improve and develop its behavior as it increases the duration of work and practical experience, and then it can be said that the organization can also improve and develop its behavior among the elements of its environment depending on the experience of its experience and field practice in acting and dealing with the various variables and elements of its environment, and this is through its acquisition of new knowledge and expertise.
17Learning CurveLearning reflects the positive, permanent, and relatively continuous change in the behavior of the individual in a way that leads to improving his/her performance in quantity and quality, through experiences and knowledge obtained through either 18practice or training, education, reading, and other means of learning. The ind19ividual during his/her life acquires cumulative knowledge and experiences that enable him/her to develop and improve his/her behavior within the organization. Accordingly, the learning curve expresses the development and improvement in the behavior of the individual resulting from obtaining new knowledge and experiences.
18E-managementThe emergence of the concept of electronic management is associated with the widespread and use of information and communication technology in administration. Electronic management is a concept that refers to the main and pivotal reliance on technology in the completion of tasks and administrative work, which contributes to increasing the effectiveness and quality of performance, speed up processes and communication, along with rapid transfer of information and knowledge, as it is the effective use of information and communication technology. Where These techniques are applied in the following areas: Communication, decision-making, completion of functions of management, management information systems, administrative development and human resource development, design, and engineering. The use of technology in administrative work is so broad that it includes almost all administrative tasks. The progress and spread of these techniques in the administration continue to rise with the progress and development of these techniques.
19Crisis managementAs a result of the complexity of the organization’s environment and a large number of threats in a way that raises the rate of emergence of crises and raises their negative effects on the organization, this has resulted in a special administrative concept which is entrusted with crises, whether related to trying to avoid them or by minimizing their effects.
20Risk managementThe concept of risk refers to that circumstance or situation that is uncertain to occur as a result of the complexity, overlapping, and ambiguity of the environment, or as a result of the lack and inadequacy of the information available for decision-making by adopting an effective forecasting method.
21Competency ManagementCompetencies are the sum of the distinct capabilities and skills that characterize the organization and form the basis of its competitiveness. Providing them with the appropriate working conditions and the necessary incentives for their development and pushing them to exert the maximum possible effort in a way that supports the competitiveness of the organization.
22EmpowermentIt requires providing the individual with all the appropriate capabilities and conditions to release his/her energies and capabilities, through freedom of initiative and action. The individual bears full responsibility, as it is done according to the position and not according to the person. As for delegation, the responsibility is borne by the manager, and it is determined according to the individual and not according to the position.
23Strategic management of human resourcesThe strategic management of human resources is the approach or framework for making strategic decisions regarding all employees at all organizational levels. This strategic management is directed under the umbrella of the main strategy of the organization; through the administration of its human resources that contribute to the implementation of the strategic plan of the organization.
24Career pathDuring his/her professional life, the individual works in several jobs and performs several tasks that differ in terms of nature, responsibility, and importance. This is what gives him/her accumulated and renewable skills and experiences according to the renewal of positions and tasks performed. The entire job is what makes them gain experience, develop their skills and improve their behavior at work. The career path represents the various professional experiences and practical behaviors accumulated by the individual that he/she obtains through changing positions and roles within the same organization or from one organization to another, whether it is at the same administrative level or higher. Changing jobs through transfer and promotion makes the individual acquire new skills and experiences, which are reflected positively on his/her behavior and within the organization.
25Administrative developmentAdministrative development is an organized purposeful intervention process that seeks to make the administration’s operations, methods, and means compatible with the environmental development, as well as making the administration’s operations, methods, and techniques compatible with the comprehensive development goals “economic, social and cultural”. It can also be defined as a comprehensive intervention strategy that depends on an organized effort aimed at bringing about change to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of administrative authorities to develop their ability to renew, develop and adapt to rapid changes “technical-scientific – political – legislative – economic”.
26Human resource developmentIt refers to efforts and activities aimed at developing the human element in the production process, as represented in the activities of providing human resources and raising and developing their capabilities, and then maximizing their contribution to improving and developing the performance of the organization. We refer here to the essential difference between human resource development and human development in the fact that The latter represents those activities that raise the capabilities and skills of the human element for humanitarian purposes, that is, to increase its ability to face the challenges and difficulties of his/her life. Improving human life and well-being, for example, the level of education, the standard of living, the unemployment rate, etc., in contrast to the development of human resources, which raises the capabilities and skills of the human element in the production process, i.e. to increase its contribution to the production process. On his energies and capabilities, the human element is evaluated here by the extent of its contribution to the production process, and its productive examples.
27Organizational developmentIt is a long-term plan to improve the performance of the organization in the way it solves problems, renews and changes its administrative practices. This plan relies on a collaborative effort between administrators, taking into account the organization’s environment and organizational characteristics. Organizational development focuses on the structural and organizational characteristics of the organization and aims to increase organizational flexibility and raise its ability and performance.
28Resistance to changeIt is reactions of rejecting change, as a result of fear of the consequences of change that may result in changing roles and positions. Resistance to change usually appears as a result of the ambiguity of its goals and policies or it’s ignoring the characteristics and values of the organization and individuals.
29Change managementIt refers to efforts that aim to bring about the necessary change to the system, through the activities of planning, organizing, and then implementing change. The change process requires three basic stages: unfreezing, change, and freezing.
30Organizational cultureIt represents the cultural and value heritage of the organization that governs the actions and behaviors of individuals and their attitudes towards various administrative and technical issues. It represents the values, beliefs, concepts, and ways of thinking common among the members of the organization. Organizational culture has a major role in influencing the behavior of individuals and the organization’s trends and formulating strategies and management plans. It also plays a major role in the cohesion and synergy of groups within the organization, as it provides a sense of personal and identity among individuals and works on the stability of the organization, as it constitutes a moral guide for the behavior of individuals.
31RestructuringIt is the process of rebuilding the organization as it focuses on changing jobs, divisions, and activities as a result of merging and removing or adding jobs and activities, and as a result, it appears to reduce employment and reduce the size of the organization, to increase the organization’s ability to respond to changes and competition, and restructuring comes as a result of either stagnation conditions or technological development or business re-engineering.
32ReengineeringIt is to fundamentally re-design operations to achieve major leaps in performance, as it is called reengineering, rebuilding, re-engineering, as it is a fundamental change of operations, as it starts from scratch and focuses on operations, not jobs and activities.
33Strategic alliancesAs a result of the increased intensity of competition between business organizations to control markets and resources, alliances began to appear as an alternative and as a strategic choice among business organizations to either share markets or resources or benefit from the capabilities and experiences of others, strategic alliances have appeared in several forms, including joint venture, subcontracting, financial alliance, marketing alliance, and technology alliance
34Internal MarketingIt includes various policies and communication methods aimed at influencing the internal customer to gain their loyalty. It is a set of activities directed towards determining the needs and desires of employees within the organization (the internal customer) and working to satisfy those needs and desires using marketing strategies.
35Customer satisfaction and loyaltyCustomer satisfaction can be defined as a feeling of satisfaction as a result of the organization’s success in achieving the customer’s desires and needs, that is, it occurs when the services provided by the organization match the expectations and perceptions of the customer.
36Time EconomicsDue to the changing nature of competition in a way that focuses more on gaining customers’ loyalty and achieving their satisfaction, the organizations’ interest has tended to focus on improving and developing customer service, and this requires achieving speed and flexibility in performance, so a new concept based on the economics of time emerged through making the most of the available time and making the best use of it, whether in terms of increasing the speed of response to the needs and requirements of customers or by using the time to develop capabilities and skills and then improve performance or in terms of finding effective time management and adherence to deadlines and schedules.
37Organizational commitment:A psychological state that (a) characterizes the employee’s relationship with the organization, and (b) has implications for the decision to continue or discontinue membership in the organization (Meyer & Allen, 1991, p. 67).
38Organizational citizenship behavior“(OCB) is a term that’s used to describe all the positive and constructive employee actions and behaviors that aren’t part of their formal job description. It’s anything that employees do, out of their own free will that supports their colleagues and benefits the organization as a whole” – Neelie Verlinden
39Learning organizations“A learning organization is an organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights” – Peter M. Senge.
40Self-managed work teams“A small group of employees who take full responsibility for delivering a service or product through peer collaboration without a manager’s guidance. This team often works together long-term to make decisions about a particular process” – Shonna Waters.

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